Because of my bonsai pots I am always looking for a red stoneware clay that is frost resistant and has exactly the color, THE color, a dark, violet red-brown that is simply not describable. Some years ago I experimented with various iron oxides and could achieve very good results. Only the application of the iron oxide is difficult. Now I found a red clay with the almost perfect color and I experimented with iron oxide slips. The results can be seen in the first picture: untreated red ceramic and with a darker iron oxide slip.
At higher kiln temperatures the untreated clay also shows some nice effects where more compressed areas get a darker color during the partial vitrification. This can be seen very well on the lid of the left container, where darker areas and strip are visible.
The next idea was to produce the beautiful pineapple containers of the wood-firing also in an electrical kiln. The solution: red clay and porcelain slip. This is a little bit more fiddly as with a wood-fire clay, but the principle works as can be seen in above´s picture.
A new clay of course always triggers some tea pot experiments and in expectation of Easter I built a Easter tea pot. The pot can also be very helpful if you have ill kids at home with measles or chicken pox. It is nice if the tea pot has the same disease like the kid and must also drink so much to become better.
Finally I want to show you my current favorite tea pot made from the red clay body. When I will not be so busy to produce ceramics for my next wood firing, I definitely will pick up this red clay again to produce more of this ceramics.
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